Depth Not Width Brand Blog

Believe. Trust. Do.

There are three words that I haven’t been able to get out of my head for the last two months, Believe, Trust, Do. I’ve spent a ton of time in my head reflecting on how these three words are connected, and more important, what we’re supposed to do with them. Starting a brand new year with wide-open potential, these three simple words seem especially fitting… 

The picture I keep seeing is the trust fall I did when I was about fifteen, a team-building exercise we did before a Boundary Waters canoe trip in the Boy Scouts. I stood with my heels hanging off the edge of a picnic table, my arms crossed firmly over my chest. Behind me with outstretched arms were five of my best friends prepared to catch me.

In that moment, Believe, Trust, and Do became very real. I believed that these five young men could catch me – I knew they were strong enough to do it. Closing my eyes, I trusted that they would catch me – they wouldn’t let me drop. Taking one last breath, I allowed my body to fall backward, acting on my belief and trust. It was this final step, adding the “do” to my belief and trust, where the action completed the circle. 

My last two blog posts explored reflecting back on the past year and setting goals for the coming year. With that in mind, Believe, Trust, and Do add another layer to those two concepts, and make them stronger. Ask yourself these questions…


As you’re stepping foot into 2020, what do you Believe?

What do you believe about the coming year?

What do you believe about yourself?

What do you believe about your opportunities?

What do you believe about the people around you?

As you’re asking yourself these things, consider the positive and the negative. Think about this… How many of your negative beliefs are real? Or, are they simply lies you’ve been telling yourself that are holding you back, based on fear? I used to tell myself lies based on my own fear, and I’ve spent massive time and energy to bury those lies. I’ve changed the way I talk to myself on a daily basis.


Next, based on what you Believe about 2020, what do you Trust? 

Trust is about taking risks based on what you believe. If I believe 2020 will be filled with opportunities, do I trust myself enough to go out on a limb and get them? If I believe that 2020 will be an abundant year, do I trust that belief enough to make decisions based on abundance instead of fear and lack? 

Belief and Trust can seem very similar, but there is a distinct difference between the two. On the website, I found this simple explanation… “You can easily say to someone that you believe him, but when you need to say that you trust him, it needs a deeper consideration. “Belief” is the product of the mind, while “trust” is the product of both the mind and heart.”


Finally, looking at what you Believe and Trust, what are you going to Do in 2020? 

This is the most important question to answer. The reason we don’t achieve our goals is that we either never start doing the most important things, or we quit doing things when they get hard. It’s one thing to make a list of all the things you’re going to do this year. Unfortunately, that list is worthless unless you put some action behind it. Actually doing those things consistently and long-term (even when it’s tough) creates all the value. Doing is the key to everything.


My Story

The whole concept of Believe, Trust, and Do came from a place of faith for me. I found myself challenged, asking myself who I believe God is, and wrestling with who I believe I am as God’s son. Then, I challenged myself with questions of trust. If I believe that God can do the things I claim He can, do I trust God enough to let Him do those things. And finally, based on what I believe about God and am trusting Him to do in my life, am I doing my part? Am I living different, taking risks, and stretching myself based on my faith?

Having navigated through this in my faith, I realized quickly that Believe, Trust, and Do also impacts many other parts of my life. So, with that in mind, I’ve been using these three simple words to change the way I think and act. I hope they help change your perspective as much as they’ve transformed mine, bringing you confidence and fearlessness to all you do.


The Takeaway

Thinking through the questions around Believe, Trust, and Do is a powerful way to set your mind. Take some time to consider each of these areas as you’re kicking off 2020, and specifically consider how you’re going to put some intentional action behind the Do element. And, look for my next blog where I dig into the difference between your “mindset” (a thing) and getting your “mind set” (an action) – see you then! 

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