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Three Wins: End-of-Day Rituals, Feedback, and Filling Your Cup

Every week, I end up having powerful conversations with leaders just like you that guide me to new insights, challenge my thinking, and elevate my mindset. 

Here are three highlights from the past week…

Get focused on your end-of-day rituals. From a Jocko podcast, imagine what would happen if every night you wrote down the top 2-3 things you were going to do the next day… and then, the next day, you actually did those things. Repeat that consistently for a week, then a month, and imagine how much progress you would make on your goals. How you end today will impact how you start tomorrow – and the way you show up.

Adding to other people’s cups is impossible if yours is empty. Self care is not selfish. This goes for heading outside or to the gym, reading a good book, investing time in journaling, exploring a new hobby, a cold plunge… All are ways that we fill up our own cups. That’s the key. You cannot share what you do not have, and if you’re not healthy, you can’t be there to help anyone else.

Be open to feedback. Too often, when people share feedback, we get defensive. When we do that, we are blocking the things we need to hear to grow and get stronger in our lives. Resist the urge to put up walls and open yourself to a little reflection and radical candor.

BONUS: Adding to other people’s cups is impossible if yours is empty. Self care is not selfish. This goes for heading outside or to the gym, reading a good book, investing time in journaling, exploring a new hobby, a cold plunge… All are ways that we fill up our own cups. That’s the key. You cannot share what you do not have, and if you’re not healthy, you can’t be there to help anyone else.

Share this with someone who needs it today!


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