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Let’s get infected with some positivity instead…

Waking up this morning, it seems like the dark noise just keeps getting amplified. Last month it was political campaigns and Harvey Weinstein, and today we’re facing all of the fears and uncertainties that come with COVID19.

It’s been said that our trials shine a light on our truth. When pressure is applied, our real selves show up. The voices of Negative Nick and Pessimist Pam get louder and louder. There’s a sense that we need to look out for me, and that we need to protect what’s ours. We’re seeing that more and more today.

Let me be clear as I write this. COVID19 is something we should all be considering. It’s a bad virus that kills people. It goes after people like our moms and dads who are getting older. It even got to Tom Hanks. COVID19 is real, and it comes with some serious consequences – all of that is true. 

But here’s where I’m getting stuck and feeling a bit frustrated. I feel like all of the positivity in the world right now is getting pressed down in the midst of our challenges. There’s a sense of darkness and isolation that’s slowly creeping in. The light is not shining as bright as it had been. 

We can blame this on a lot of things. Blame it on COVID19. Blame it on politics. Blame it on Harvey Weinstein. 

But the reality is this… We are still in control.

Each of us, as individuals, can bring a little more light into the world, and together, we can create something so bright it will overpower the darkness. This isn’t a rah-rah cheerleading session, with some warm-fuzzy “let’s do this” message. I’m not a warm-fuzzy Cumbayah tilted kind of guy. 

I am practical and intentional and real, and I believe with all I am that WE can push back against all of the negativity that is taking over. If we don’t, who will? And so today, that’s my challenge to each of us. Do one thing today that adds a little more light. Be intentional about that, and let’s take back our world from Negative Nick, Pessimist Pam, and COVID19 before they grab an even louder megaphone.