Depth Not Width Brand Blog

You Gotta Have Faith…

Looking around at the challenges facing us right now, we’re experiencing a time where we need faith more than ever. As an entrepreneur and leader, I’ve seen this over and again within my circles. Our spiritualities may differ, but in these times, many are realizing their need for something greater than themselves as they navigate the world we’re in. Some are revisiting their faith, and some are exploring it for the first time, finding new strength for today. 

A few months ago, before this pandemic exploded, I attended a retreat called Vertical Endeavor with two hundred other men. These men shared many things with me, but it was alone in my quiet times that God spoke the most clearly. Here are three realities I picked up during those quiet times that are radically impacting how I face things today – realities I hope help you as well…

“You are not in control.”

I’m someone who craves control – it’s probably one of the things that led me to start my own business. Unfortunately, that concept of control has only ever been a feeling – it’s never been real. Walking through this season of COVID-19 has reminded me of that. There are so many things at play right now that I can’t control – things that are beyond anything my family, friends, or clients can control. I’m not entirely in control of my business, and I’m not in control of the health of my loved ones. Yes, I’m still responsible for how I show up every day and putting in the work, but beyond that I need to let go and let God. Letting go is a daily battle for me.

“You are not the source.”

For years, I’ve carried on my shoulders a self-imposed responsibility to make things happen. I’ve made myself the source of everything I need, and of what my family needs, putting myself in charge of creating our best life. That’s a responsibility I was never meant to carry. It has always been God’s responsibility. My job is simply to ask for wisdom and do my work – never to be the source. Again, COVID-19 has shown me that. The burden of being the source is not mine to carry, and in times like these, I’m glad it’s not. Again, letting go of this responsibility is something I work on every day.

“Dare to live differently.”

In the middle of this pandemic, we have two alternatives. The first is to continue grasping tight to those perceptions of control and “making” things happen. Fear and uncertainty drive this, and it’s something many of us have felt. I initially reacted this way as well, clinging to these things. 

Our second alternative is to live differently and trust in something greater than ourselves. More and more, as the evening news greets us with mounting death tolls and economic challenges, there’s been a natural shift toward faith’s role in our lives. Seeing everything we cannot control or create on our own, we’re coming to grips with our fragility and how hard it is to keep everything perfectly balanced. With the pressure mounting and the stress piling on, we’re being reminded that we have another option… faith.

Living different in faith means allowing ourselves to release all those challenges to trust in something greater instead. This can be easier said than done, I know. It’s a daily journey for me with many resets, but I can tell you from personal experience it is the most freeing thing you will ever do. As a business owner, a husband, and a dad facing all the uncertainties in the world today, leaning into my faith right now has changed everything. God continues providing everything I need, beyond what I could ask or ever deserve. Everyday, I see God’s hand at work where I used to see my own.

The Takeaway

Today may be the day where you can let go of control or your need to be the source. It might be the moment where you step out and place your trust in something greater than you. In this moment, faith can replace fear with confidence, anxiety with joy, and desperation with optimism. That’s the opportunity we have today – to trade one for another and find peace amid the chaos.

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