About John Gamades

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So far John Gamades has created 253 blog entries.

Three Wins: Where Confidence, Limiting Beliefs, and Gratitude Meet

Three more insights from the past week, picked up in conversations with leaders like you. This week, I had more powerful conversations about confidence, beliefs, and gratitude. Confidence is an action, not a feeling. A friend brought this up and reminded the group we were with that confidence is demonstrated through behavior rather, not just [...]

By |2024-09-06T14:56:41-05:00September 6th, 2024|

Three Wins: The Crossroads Between Pace, Restlessness, and Failure

Three more insights from the past week, picked up in conversations with leaders like you. This week, I had more powerful conversations about pace, restlessness, and the relationship between failure and growth. When life starts to go fast, there are three questions to ask. First, can I maintain this pace? Second, do I want to? [...]

By |2024-05-31T15:06:20-05:00May 31st, 2024|

Three Wins: When Willingness, Opportunity, and Ambition Meet

Three more insights from the past week, picked up in conversations with leaders like you. This week, I had a powerful conversation with a handful of very successful friends about how they landed in their current careers… Success is a combination of willingness and opportunity. Simply put, opportunities will come your way in life. Your [...]

By |2024-05-31T15:07:18-05:00May 24th, 2024|

Three Wins: Sharing Challenges, Feeling Your Vision, and Eliminating Regret

Three more insights from the past week, picked up in conversations with leaders like you. This week is all about vision and taking action... The biggest challenge you’ve faced in life is what has prepared you to make your greatest impact. Lean into these past storms and challenges you’ve overcome and look for ways to [...]

By |2024-05-03T15:08:34-05:00May 3rd, 2024|

Three Wins: Asking for Help, Confronting Fear, and Leaving the Past Behind

Three more insights from the past week, picked up in conversations with leaders like you. This week is all about the choices we make… One way to solve for having two hands and four goals. When you can’t hold onto everything, ask for help. Even if you only have one or two goals, achieving them [...]

By |2024-04-05T15:47:05-05:00April 5th, 2024|

Three Wins: Relentless Focus, Job-Hopping, and Head Trash

Every week, I end up having powerful conversations with leaders just like you that guide me to new insights, challenge my thinking, and elevate my mindset.  Here are three highlights from the past week… Show up each morning with relentless focus. Ask yourself this simple question, “What 2-3 things need to get done today?” Our [...]

By |2024-03-01T16:16:02-06:00March 1st, 2024|

Three Wins: Being Present, Being Aware, and Your “Perfect Sixteen”

Every week, I end up having powerful conversations with leaders just like you that guide me to new insights, challenge my thinking, and elevate my mindset.  Here are three highlights from the past week… The quality of your connection requires both people, not just one. When you're sharing space in a conversation, be present where [...]

By |2024-02-16T08:57:35-06:00February 16th, 2024|

Three Wins: End-of-Day Rituals, Feedback, and Filling Your Cup

Every week, I end up having powerful conversations with leaders just like you that guide me to new insights, challenge my thinking, and elevate my mindset.  Here are three highlights from the past week… Get focused on your end-of-day rituals. From a Jocko podcast, imagine what would happen if every night you wrote down the [...]

By |2024-01-12T12:56:17-06:00January 12th, 2024|